Thursday 4 August 2011


I realized today that I have amazing friends. Today was a big day for seeing old friends and catching up with people I have known for years, but I have come to the conclusion that they were simply filling in the gaps. they were people that I didn't really like, but hung out with because there was no one else. They were just there, they didn't hold any interest for and, and I an immeasurably great-full to my parents for changing my school.
Now to the real topic of conversation, my current group. The most lovely and honest congregation of people I have ever met. I say this with a dry mouth, they can be absolutely terrible to each other (and to me) but I think that I love them all the more for it, because at the end of the day, they are the people I still want to see, and we seem to be able to get over most of the complications associated with having such a large and diverse group of people in a situation like a high school. I love them all, some more than others, but I think that is to be expected of any crowd of teenage girls.
To all my amazingly lovely friends out there, and you know who you are. I love you all and I am one lucky girl. <3

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